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Mixed media on panel, with ornate burnished gold frame, 17x25x2cm. Contact us at or via the chat box for pricing enquiries.

Myomorphia is a series that focusing on elevating the status of Rodents which are often seen as ground dwelling animals that are lowly creatures, often viewed as vermin even. Animals with wings are generally seen as beautiful, angelic and ethereal - creatures such as birds, butterflies etc. By giving the rodents/lesser creatures wings it’s a playful way of elevating their status and seem in a new light, in the hope that people will appreciate them as the worthy creatures they are.

Symbolically squirrels represent positivity, resourcefulness, adaptability and playfulness. I have used a red squirrel in this piece as they are now endangered in the UK and paired it with Monarch Butterfly wings, as Monarch Butterflies are also nearing endangered status and they are also very regal sounding, which I feel helps elevate the squirrels status further - and their colouration matches the red squirrel beautifully…

Sciurus Rex Papilio - Myomorphia Series 🔴 Sold

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