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Oil and acrylic on antique jumbo playing card, 7x5inches. Can be purchased framed in a white or black box frame, or unframed. Contact us at for purchase enquiries. .

The Abundance Collection is a Series of animals that represent abundance, luck and prosperity painstakingly painted in hyper detail on antique jumbo playing cards. The series on a deeper level is about his humanity plays with Nature like it’s a game to be won or conquered, but Nature is actually the abundance we desire and is abundant in itself if we look after it and give it half a chance.

Bees have been traditionally seen as symbolic of wealth and prosperity in many cultures. For example The Mayans believed the bee to be a symbol of the goddess: bringers of life and abundance, while the Druids considered the bee to represent fertility and luck. The gold colour of the bees honey is also representative of wealth. I have painted this Queen Bumblebee on the Queen of Spades, as Spades represents Air out of the four elements, and as bees fly it seemed very fitting. 🐝

Abundance Collection - The Queen Bee 🔴 SOLD


    © 2024 by Louise McNaught
    The Official Website of Contemporary Artist - Louise Mcnaught, London
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